


  • 工具箱 *wrench
  • screwdriver
  • oil filter wrench


  1. ** Park the vehicle and turn off the engine.**
  2. Locate the oil filler cap and remove it.
  3. Loosen the oil drain plug on the old oil filter.
  4. Allow the old oil to drain completely.
  5. Replace the oil drain plug.
  6. Replace the oil filler cap.
  7. Locate the new oil filter and thread it onto the oil drain plug.
  8. Hand-tighten the oil filter until it is snug.
  9. Tighten the oil filter with the wrench until it is snug.
  10. Replace the oil drain plug.
  11. Add new oil to the engine.
  12. Start the engine and check the oil level.


  • Use a new oil filter every 5,000 to 7,500 miles.
  • If the oil level is low, add oil until it reaches the full mark on the dipstick.
  • Be careful not to overfill the engine with oil.